The Female Villains Wiki

Tricia (Jade Brandais) is the main villainess from "The Hunted," a short film from 2008's Tales From The Underground series. She is introduced as the fiancee of Mr. Turner, and she happily embraced him while flashing an arrogant smirk at security guard Sylvia. The couple later left the building, but Tricia returns covered in blood and heading inside the building in a state of panic. She ran toward Sylvia and stated that her fiancee had been killed by some sort of wild animal, after which Sylvia called police while Tricia ran off to the back of the building.

Later on, Tricia turned heel and transformed into a werewolf, doing so after displaying animalistic traits as she walked inside an empty office (which hinted that she may have killed her fiance). Her villainous transformation took place while Sylvia was making her call to police, and after it was completed, the evil Tricia unplugged the lights before prowling around the building. Sylvia hears the noise, but the film ends with Tricia killing and devouring Sylvia, and howling afterwards



Tales From The Underground - The Hunted (2008) Higher-Res
